Tell Trudeau that anti-Christian hate should disqualify LGBT campaigner from Senate

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Justin Trudeau has appointed a notorious anti-Christian LGBT campaigner to the Senate.

Kristopher Wells, a supposed expert in youth sexuality and gender, once compared Christians to Nazis in a slanderous meme depicting the execution of an LGBT prisoner by a knife-wielding Christian.

Tell Justin Trudeau: Anti-Christian hate can have no place in politics!

Wells has furthermore demonized parents who resist LGBT indoctrination of children in schools, claiming "parental rights are a dog-whistle for an explicit anti-2SLGBTQ+ agenda, which is focused on banning books, restricting access to inclusive curriculum, and targeting trans and non-binary youth in schools."

Those promoting parental rights are part of "an organized hate movement" according to Wells.  

We must speak out today against the normalization of such hatred towards parents and Christians in Canadian society, where LGBT campaigners harbouring such bigotry are apparently rewarded with political positions.

The people of Alberta and Canada in general deserve more dignified representation than Wells has shown himself capable of.

SIGN & SHARE: Kristopher Wells' anti-Christian hate disqualifies him from the Senate.