SIGN: Boycott the Olympics until French director apologizes for mocking Christ and the Last Supper

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The director of the blasphemous opening ceremony at the Olympic Games has failed to apologize for the mockery of Christ and the Last Supper which he choreographed.

Thomas Jolly, a homosexual French man, instead defended the show as an expression of  “Republican ideas”.

SIGN: We are boycotting the Olympics until Thomas Jolly apologizes

Jolly, whose opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympic Games featured drag queens and demonic-looking figures that carried out a grotesque parody of the Last Supper, denies the performance had anything to do with the Last Supper, instead claiming “the idea was to have a pagan celebration connected to the gods of Olympus.”

The drag queens who participated in the blasphemy, however, have inadvertently exposed Jolly's lies.

The lesbian drag queen who blasphemously played Jesus posted a photo on Instagram of the mock Last Supper above Da Vinci’s original, with the comment, “Oh yes! Oh yes! The new gay testament!” The post was then deleted.

Meanwhile, fellow drag queen 'Piche' said their depiction of the Last Supper “is not a provocation. It’s a biblical representation that has been reused in pop culture for decades and it’s never really been a problem.”

SIGN: We are boycotting the Olympics until Thomas Jolly apologizes

On Sunday a spokeswoman for Paris 2024 said she was sorry if anyone was offended, but Jolly, who shared a table with her at the press conference, would only go so far as to say that he did not intend to mock or shock anyone. 

While millions of Christians across the world were indeed offended by the blasphemous performance, Jolly should be most concerned about his attack on God and the institution of the Most Holy Eucharist that occured at the Last Supper.

We invite you to sign and share the petition, but also to pray and do penance for Jolly's conversion.

Thank you.