PETITION: Pres. Trump don't give federal funds to COVID-19 vaccines made from aborted baby cells

  • 25,404

We are urgently appealing to President Trump to direct that any new COVID-19 vaccine, receiving federal taxpayer funding, uses NO aborted human fetal cells in its development.

Please SIGN this petition which asks President Trump to prioritize only ethical COVID-19 vaccine development with federal funds, and keep his pro-life promise.

The Trump Administration's Health and Human Services guidelines were only redrawn last summer to prohibit the National Institutes of Health, the U.S. Government's main medical research center, from using human tissue obtained from abortion in their research.

But, scientists in the West have long relied on using aborted baby tissue to unethically produce many of the most common vaccines used today, including the MMR vaccine, the polio vaccine, and the Hepatitis A vaccine, among others.

However, scientists in Japan have, for many years, ethically produced reliable vaccines from animal cell lines.

And now, some pharmaceutical companies with facilities in the U.S. are also employing similar, ethical techniques to produce the influenza vaccine.

Thus, we know that a vaccine for COVID-19 can also be ethically sourced and manufactured.

And, that's exactly what this petition asks.

Unfortunately, some vaccines based upon cell lines from aborted human beings are already receiving hundreds of millions of dollars from the COVID-19 research grants.

With the urgent push to produce a vaccine for COVID-19, we must not allow aborted human beings to be used as petri dishes, when ethical vaccines can be made from animal cell lines.

Thank you for SIGNING and SHARING this urgent petition which asks President Trump to stop federal funds from being used in unethical research on a COVID-19 vaccine.


'130+ congressmen urge Trump to keep ban on aborted fetal tissue research in race for COVID-19 cure' -

'Trump admin ends another ‘humanized mice’ contract' -

** While LifeSite opposes immorally-produced vaccines using aborted fetal cell lines, we do not have a position on any particular coronavirus vaccines produced without such moral problems. We realize many have general concerns about vaccines, but also recognize that millions of lives have been saved due to vaccines.