SIGN THE PETITION: Tell the IRS the Satanic Temple is not a 'church'

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The Satanic Temple has announced on its instagram page that the United States Internal Revenue Service has awarded them tax exempt status.

What this means is that they are now recognized by the federal government, legally speaking, as a church.

This egregious decision runs counter to everything America stands for.

The effect of this will be that the Satanic Temple will have the same access to public spaces as other churches and will enable them to apply for religious-based grants.

In recent years, the Satanic Temple has successfully erected monuments to the devil, sometimes right next to  the 10 Commandments and Christmas trees.

But Satanism is not a church. It is an anti-church that worships Lucifer. 

In no way should the American government recognize this organization as being legally the same as a church that worships Almighty God.

This horrible decision will only result in the spreading of insidious ideas and a further tearing apart of America's Christian heritage.