The 2021 Canadian National March for Life took place yesterday in Ottawa with hundreds in attendance.
Please take time to READ LifeSiteNews' latest article on the Canadian March for Life.
And, please remember that registration for the March for Life's online youth conference - taking place TODAY (5/14), starting at 3pm EDT - is STILL OPEN.
The 2021 Canadian National March for Life, organized by Campaign Life Coalition (CLC), will forge ahead this year in a "hybrid" format with a week-long series of online pro-life events, as well as a "scaled-down" in-person rally followed by a march in Ottawa on May 13th for local grassroots organizers.**
Please CLICK HERE to see the schedule of events.
Then, please SIGN and SHARE this pledge to support Canada's National March for Life pro-life activities this week!
Due to the COVID crisis, the March organizers are emphasizing the need for people to spend the week leading up to the March to "raise [pro-life] awareness in their families and communities."
Some of the suggested activities include: putting up pro-life signs in one's home or one's car; wearing pro-life clothing; spreading the pro-life message - and, the theme of this year's march, 'You are not alone' - on social media, on the airwaves, and even by pro-life chalking on the sidewalks; and, devoting time praying for an end to abortion and euthanasia in Canada.
As Josie Luetke, Youth Coordinator for CLC, said to LifeSiteNews: the "pandemic doesn’t change the fact that human life is not protected in Canada."
And, that is why everyone must continue to advocate for the protection of life, from conception till natural death.
Luetke said the 2021 events will be "even better" than last year’s.
"If you enjoyed the Virtual National March for Life last year, I assure you that you’ll find our 2021 events even better, as we’ve been working very diligently over the past few months to bring you an extremely engaging and powerful schedule, with elements that will appeal to everyone," said Luetke.
Luetke said she is hoping there will be a good turnout for the online youth conference, noting that registration for the youth conference — which is free of charge — is still open.
"The youth conference was indispensable in my own development as a pro-life activist, and the virtual one we have planned is every bit as educational and inspirational," said Luetke.
Please SIGN and SHARE this pledge to support Canada's National March for Life pro-life activities this week!
'2021 Canadian National March for Life on May 13 to be in-person and online' -
National March For Life 2021 Website -
**CLC also advises all who wish to attend in-person to be aware of the potential legal and health risks involved. If you are thinking about attending in-person, please CLICK HERE to read CLC's important advice about the necessity to comply with their directives while at the march.
***Photo Credit: CLC YouTube video screen shot