Tell Dave Rubin: Aborting disabled babies is cruel.

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Dave Rubin (left) hosts one of the most popular conservative chat-shows on YouTube, but we now know his views are as extreme as many on the left.

Not only are Rubin and his homosexual partner using surrogate mothers to bear two babies, thus deliberately depriving the children of their true mothers' care once born, but he also admitted those babies would have been aborted if found to have severe disabilities. 

SIGN the petition telling Dave Rubin that true conservatives protect life and uphold the right of children to be raised by their mothers.

Mr. Rubin recently said he also supports abortion up until 12 weeks, compounding the regrettable pro-eugenics stance he has taken towards unborn babies with severe disabilities. 

There are few things more tragic in our world today than the disposable attitude of many people towards innocent human life, but that is exactly what Rubin thinks is acceptable.

This must be called out - it's simply abhorrent to treat the disabled, the unwanted, and the vulnerable with such callous disregard. 

Tell Dave Rubin that his pro-eugenics views have no place in a humane society.

Can you imagine finding out your parents would have aborted you if you had a severe disability? 

Well, that's unfortunately what will happen to the children Rubin raises if they someday read his latest book, "Don't Burn This Country".

There he shares that he and his family's decision would have been to "terminate the pregnancy" if a severe disability was found in one of the babies now being borne by their surrogate mothers. 

Rubin must understand how cruel this entire situation is, not only for the mothers and their children who will be taken away, but also for disabled people to know they are essentially thought of as "lives unworthy of life."

Real conservatives must speak up now and tell Rubin that his pro-abortion views are abhorrent.

Mr. Rubin's public split with the left is to be welcomed, but "conservative" leaders like him will do much more harm than good if they continue using their platform to undermine the family and the right of children to be born.

If we let these cornerstones of society be attacked from within, what hope have we of building a culture we can be proud to hand on?

Make a stand today for unborn children and their mothers - tell Dave Rubin that he's wrong.

True conservatives cannot afford to take the easy shortcut of ignoring Rubin's cruel position, lest we continue to be shunted further left, becoming radical liberals in everything but name.

So, please SIGN and SHARE this petition today,


Why are leading conservatives congratulating Dave Rubin and his 'husband'? - LifeSiteNews

Dave Rubin says he'd ask his surrogate to abort any disabled child - The Bridgehead

**Main Image: YouTube screenshot of Dave Rubin talking to Donald Trump Jr.**