PETITION: Tell Governor Evers to shut down Wisconsin's abortion facilities!

  • 3,707

Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers has just issued the Emergency "Safer at Home Order," which states that “the number of people needing medical care due to COVID-19 will significantly exceed the amount of available healthcare resources..."

And, yet, abortionists continue to operate - taking innocent human lives and depriving COVID-19 victims of necessary supplies and personnel.

This needs to stop!

This joint petition, between LifeSite and Pro-Life Wisconsin, calls on Governor Evers to immediately SHUT DOWN Wisconsin’s abortion facilities for the duration of the COVID-19 emergency order.**

Abortion is NOT healthcare, and it certainly is not "essential" healthcare.

It is an elective procedure that kills innocent preborn human beings, uses up scarce medical resources in this time of crisis, and contributes to the community spread of COVID-19.

Please SIGN this urgent petition, today, and tell Governor Evers that he must SHUT DOWN all abortion facilities in Wisconsin during this state emergency.

After signing, please consider politely contacting Governor Evers' state capitol office by phone at (608) 266-1212, or on their website HERE.

Thank you for speaking up for life and know that we are praying for you and your families in these uncertain times.


**LifeSite and Pro-Life Wisconsin believe in the sanctity of human life, from conception till natural death. We would like to see abortion stopped, everywhere, permanently, and will work towards the day when that is a reality. We do not consider life-saving treatment in pregnancy, which is designed to save the life of a mother, but which results in the unintentional death of the unborn child, "abortion."