In an extremely offensive decision to huge numbers of families who have opened their doors to foster children in Kansas, the Democrat Governor, Laura Kelly, recently issued outrageous new policy guidelines on fostering which will require Christians (and, others who don't want to enforce the state's LGBT agenda in their own homes) to violate their consciences if they want to (continue to) foster in the state.
The new policy will also require Church-affiliated placement agencies to violate their sincerely held beliefs, by explicitly promoting an agenda contrary to the Gospel.
This petition, therefore, demands that Governor Kelly rescind this terrible policy, with immediate effect.
This petition also asks the Kansas State Legislature and the Kansas State Supreme Court to review this policy directive from the Governor, as it appears to be against state law - i.e., The Adoption Protection Act (2018), which should protect placement agencies from the state imposing policies which are against their sincerely held religious beliefs.
The new harmful policy requires that placement agencies and families who help place and foster children must, for example, confirm gender-confused foster children in their confusion rather than try to lead them out of harm's way.
One of the most insidious parts of this radical new policy is the 'Confidentiality' provision, which will force placement agencies to conceal from foster families whether a foster child is suffering from gender identity dysphoria (i.e., is confused as to what sex he/she is).
And then, if a foster child discloses (to the family) that they believe themselves to be the opposite sex to what they are biologically, this new policy will require the family to use forced language, calling the child by opposite sex pronouns.
But, it gets worse. Far worse.
Indeed, the new 'guidance' describes different, bizarre scenarios, in detail.
Here is a direct quote from the new guidance's Q&A section:
"Q. A teen is biologically female but identifies as male but is sexually attracted to females. If there has to be a room share, do they share with other females because that is what they were born or males because that is who they identify with? If they are to share with females, then it can be an issue because they are sexually attracted to that sex. The easiest answer is they have to have their own room if possible but that isn’t always an option.
A. In this example, the youth identifies as a male and should be treated as such. If there was a need to share a room, the case worker should ensure everyone involved is okay with the room share. In this case they identify as a male so sharing room with another male would be acceptable...."
Dorothy...we're not in Kansas anymore! We've obviously been transported to some other place, like New York City (birthplace of Governor Kelly...true)!
Seriously...This is simply outrageous, and, obviously fraught with moral dangers for foster families, who, often, out of charity, are so gracious to open their doors to children who need a home AND who, moreover, need parenting.
But, this is clearly not parenting; it is, rather, allowing the state to come into one's homes and dictate a type of deviant sexual morality which is abhorrent to many, and from which many parents wish to protect their own children.
Here, it's worth quoting the entire first paragraph of the new state policy on Placement of foster children:
"LGBTQ youth should be placed in in homes that respect their identities. Placements should not try to impose traditional gender roles on the youth. Foster homes should be offered additional training that will help them support and encourage LGBTQ youth to express themselves as they see themselves..."
Hey, Governor Kelly.............
What about RESPECTING THE IDENTITY OF THE FAMILIES who graciously accept children into their homes?!?!
And, what about RESPECTING THE PLACEMENT AGENCIES who don't believe in lying to families, or that pushing the LGBT agenda is good for child welfare?
AND...what about RESPECTING THE LAW ((e.g., The Adoption Protection Act (2018)), which should protect placement agencies (who are Catholic, for example) from the state imposing policies which are against their sincerely held religious beliefs???
This new policy needs to be firmly opposed precisely because it will force away Christian families from fostering, and others who don't want to enforce the state's LGBT agenda in their own homes...and, also, because it is very probably also against the law!
If the Governor wants to change the law, then she should lobby the State Legislature of Kansas, rather than impose seemingly illegal directives designed to circumvent state law.
Please SIGN and SHARE this urgent petition, demanding that Kansas Governor, Laura Kelly, rescind the harmful new policy on fostering children, with immediate effect.
The petition will also be sent to the appropriate members of the Kansas State Legislature and the Kansas State Supreme Court to investigate any violation of state law.
Thank you for SIGNING, TODAY!
A devastating proportion of gender-confused adolescents attempt suicide in their lifetime. The figures run between 30-50+%, depending on the type of confusion suffered.
With these appalling statistics, has anyone at Governor Kelly's office thought about the real harm which forcing this kind of agenda will have on real children?
It seems pretty clear that they have - but, they have chosen to bury their heads in the sand.
Indeed, in an attempt to mask the harsh reality of what they are proposing, the authors of the new policy state, with Orwellian relish, numerous times that promoting gender confusion as normal is in the best interest of the "health and safety" of the children, and in maintaining "normalcy."
But, of course, they must realize that indulging these delusions - for the children themselves, the placement services, and the families - is anything but normal, and is, rather, on the contrary, extremely dangerous!
Indeed, what do the leading experts think about promoting this kind of gender confusion as normal to children?
They think it's child abuse!
The American College of Pediatricians has issued a statement saying “gender ideology harms children,” and “urges educators and legislators to reject all policies that condition children to accept as normal a life of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex. Facts – not ideology – determine reality.” In their statement, they go on to say “a person’s belief that he or she is something they are not is, at best, a sign of confused thinking.”
These statements are supported by three leading medical doctors in the field, including Paul McHugh, M.D., University Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins Medical School and the former psychiatrist in chief at Johns Hopkins Hospital.
And, the statement goes on to say "Conditioning children into believing that a lifetime of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex is normal and healthful is child abuse."
Suicide Statistics:
Relevant Policy Citation: