Tell the Secretary of Defense: "Pride Month" is making our country weaker

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At a time of global instability, nuclear tensions and war in Europe, the US Armed Forces have embarrassed themselves by taking a time-out to promote "Pride Month" among the watching world.

This wrongheaded preoccupation with the LGBT ideology across society is weakening our country in a number of ways, not least as it undermines the bedrock of society - the family.

It's time to tell the Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, that we have had enough LGBT propaganda in the armed forces.

SIGN the petition - remind the Secretary of Defense that "Pride Month" only makes us weaker.

Marking the start of Gay Pride Month this week, the US Marines tweeted an image of a military helmet with 6 bullets in LGBT rainbow colors and the words "ready to serve" written on it.

Many responses highlighted the foolishness of an army, who wish to be feared, promoting such ideologies.

This comparison of recruitment videos from the Chinese, Russian and US armies shows how the LGBT ideology has infiltrated our country and taken military focus away from strength on the battlefield. 

How can the U.S. be respected as a super-power by our enemies if we continue to make our armed forces more effeminate, being prouder of the rainbow flag than the Stars and Stripes? 

The woke agenda of normalizing LGBT behaviors among children, adults and the armed forces is a war on reality, as more and more young people find themselves confused about their gender, their attractions, and even what the purpose of sex is. 

To understand how pervasive the LGBT ideology is, consider this: only 1.3% of those born before 1946 identified as LGBT in March 2021, compared to a whopping 15% of young people born between 1997-2002.

Mainstream media, educational institutions, politicians, and even some of the armed forces are conditioning the public to believe this is normal and healthy - it's not.

While all people must be respected, not all behaviors should be celebrated or condoned, lest society become decadent, degenerate and too selfish to make sacrifices.

SIGN the petition to remind the Secretary of Defense that he serves the Stars and Stripes, not the rainbow flag.

The need for virtue both in society and the armed forces is great, in order to strengthen this country's ability to choose what is good and defend it. 

In choosing to promote sexual behaviors and gender identities that are not based in nature, the armed forces have chosen vice instead of virtue.

Promoting the sexual revolution and other fashionable trends will have consequences, one of them being the decline of true and good men and women willing to stand by their families, their country and their flag during times of hardship.

Tell the Secretary of Defense that time-tested values matter, and the LGBT ideology should not be promoted.

Thank you for taking the time to sign our petition.


US military using diversity panels and all-gay helicopter crew - LifeSiteNews

Woke corporations push Pride, except in Middle East - LifeSiteNews

Biden adds "Intersex" to Pride Month proclamation - LifeSiteNews

**Photo: Travis Akers' Twitter photo of all-gay helicopter crew**