PETITION: The NFL and NBA must STOP promoting Drag Queen Story Hours!

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Recently, two professional sports teams in Atlanta, Georgia - the Falcons (NFL) and the Hawks (NBA), both pictured in the screen-shot, above** - partnered with the city's 'LGBT Office' and Mayor, to put on a Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH) at City Hall.

This is outrageous!

Professional sports teams have ABSOLUTELY NO PLACE in promoting perverted notions of sexuality to young children, or, rather, any notions of sexuality, whatsoever!

This petition, therefore, calls on the NFL Commissioner, Roger Goodell, and the NBA Commissioner, Adam Silver, to issue guidelines to all the teams in their leagues, prohibiting them from promoting Drag Queen Story Hours, in any way

In this case, the DQSH was moved to City Hall after the Fulton County (GA) library system removed it from their calendar of events and stopped promoting it.

It's anyone's guess why two of the city's professional sports teams felt compelled to partner with City Hall to promote perversion to young children.

Perhaps, they felt that they couldn't say no, or face some kind of media 'backlash'? Or, perhaps there was some kind of veiled threat which came their way.

Whatever the reason, the NFL and the NBA should STAY OUT of promoting perversion to the nation's youth!

Drag Queen Story Hours are harmful to young people, who cannot even CONSENT to what they are being forced to see.

A Georgia state Dept of Education fact sheet on preventing child abuse states that "emotional abuse" can include the following: "rejection, terrorizing, shameful forms of punishment, withholding physical and emotional contact; developmentally inappropriate expectations."

It is patently obvious that "developmentally inappropriate expectations" are placed on young children who are forced to watch (and, be in close proximity to) grown men - dressed as women - who are reading so-called "gender-bending" stories.

So, even according to this Georgia state document on child abuse prevention, a reasonable observer could say that Drag Queen Story Hour IS a form of emotional abuse of a child, as it subjects children to developmentally inappropriate sexual expectations.

Drag Queen Story Hours are NOT about tolerance and respect - which can be learned in a myriad of other ways - they are about sex and sexuality, and about the early sexualization of young children.

Professional sports teams should never be involved in the early sexualization of children, or in any form of child abuse, be it emotional, or otherwise!

Who knows what kind of psychological problems will result in the future from children being forced to endure this type of emotional abuse today?

If I were in charge of the NFL and NBA, I wouldn't want to face the prospect of answering questions about this in the future!

Please SIGN this urgent petition, and ask the Commissioners of the NFL and NBA to set new guidelines prohibiting their franchises from endorsing or promoting Drag Queen Story Hours, or other notions of sexuality.

Thank you!


Georgia state Dept of Education fact sheet on the prevention of child abuse:

**Screen-shot taken from Atlanta WSB 2's website, with photo credit given to: STEVE SCHAEFER / AJC