To President Trump: We need religious freedom executive order! (PETITION)

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IMPORTANT NOTE: After signing the petition you will be given the option to mail a personalized physical postcard to President Trump at the White House. We strongly urge supporters to make use of this option, in order to have the greatest possible impact. We only request that supporters cover the minimal printing and postage costs ($1.50). Simply follow the instructions after signing the petition.


150 top conservative leaders have written to President Trump this week, urging him to take immediate steps to reverse President Obama’s "devastating" legacy on religious freedom by signing an executive order protecting the freedoms of believers.

Under the Obama administration Christian organizations have been forced to pay for insurance that provides abortifacient drugs, schools have been threatened with loss of federal funding if they did not conform to radical ‘transgender’ ideology, and Christian colleges have been threatened with loss of accreditation simply because they support the true definition of marriage.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. The letter from the conservative leaders outlines numerous grave and unprecedented assaults on the religious freedom of believers over the past 8 years.

“The above individuals and groups, and many others like them, have either been punished by the government for their religious beliefs or are about to suffer under Obama-era anti-religious regulations,” they write. “They need protections that you can grant through an executive order to prevent federal discrimination against them for acting in accordance with their beliefs."

The letter comes amidst reports that President Trump’s daughter Ivanka, and her husband, Jared Kushner, may have been influential in already stopping a planned executive order on religious freedom that conservative leaders had expected Trump to sign. Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kuschner, are both known for their liberal views on LGBT and other social issues.

President Trump received widespread support from evangelical and other Christian communities, in large part because of his promises to defend their rights.

He needs to know that we expect him to follow through on those promises, and that when he does so he will have our enthusiastic support and gratitude.

Finally, we urge everyone to pray for President Trump and encourage others to do the same.  Also pray in a very special way by name for Ivanka, her husband Jared, Betsy De Vos and Rex Tillerson so that they may come to understand the great dangers of the LGBT lifestyle and move away from their strong pro-LGBT positions – for the good of those involved in those harmful behaviors, and also for the good of the family and America.