(Photo: Tumblr CEO David Karp with Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards)
According to Talking Tech: Tumblr and Planned Parenthood have launched an initiative to unite the tech industry behind the abortion giant, which faces de-funding. They are planning a rally in Austin, Texas, on Sunday, March 19.
"It's time to take action in a show of support for this organization in their moment," says Tumblr CEO David Karp, a Planned Parenthood board member. According to USAToday, Tumblr company employees donated $80,000 to Planned Parenthood last month.
In response to this partnership we are asking people to send a message to Tumblr and let them know that the support of child murder is nothing to celebrate, and to let Tumblr know that you will donate to a pro-life organization instead.
Tumblr wants to stand with women, but have instead they have betrayed women by supporting one of the most anti-women organizations in the world.
My name is Korah Isabella Mohr. I am an actress; in fact, I just finished filming in San Diego for an independent, full-length feature film in which I played a starring role. I am an artist in every way possible: with my voice, my paints, my words, my camera, my makeup, and every area in my life where I can express creativity. I am an activist. I am a voice. I am an activist for equal rights. I am a feminist. And by stating that I am a feminist, I have implicitly made a promise that I will speak up for injustice when I see it, and make no exceptions.
And as a feminist, I cannot stand by the oh-so-commonly held belief that women can't be free unless they embrace the chains of abortion "rights." I will not stand with Planned Parenthood as they further women’s oppression by telling us that we can't be free unless we enforce the death of millions who never had a chance to speak up.
I cannot stand by the feminists who claim to be advocates for those with disabilities, when they embrace the ableist belief that abortion is acceptable if the doctors have ruled that the fetus will have a disability; this further dehumanizes all people with disabilities. I refuse to be manipulated by Planned Parenthood.
I will not stand with a corporation that takes the lives of innocent children every single day, no matter how many pap smears and STD tests they provide – especially when non-violent women’s and community health clinics outnumber Planned Parenthoods 20-to-1 nationwide.
Tumblr’s staff donation to Planned Parenthood further shows me the media bias and all-around ignorance towards another form of systemic oppression that is ENCOURAGED.
So Tumblr, because I peacefully disagree with you donation choices, I have made my own. In an attempt to combat the normalization and encouragement of abortion, I will be making donations to pro-life groups, mainly Stand True.
I suggest that your readers do the same, even if you identify as pro-choice, because choice also includes life, and when Planned Parenthood won't encourage the choice of life (they perform 160 abortions for every ONE adoption referral), who else is going to?
I advocate for equality, INCLUDING equality for the lives of unborn girls AND boys, and you should too. There are many worthy pro-life organization to donate to, here are three that you can donate to today and let Tumblr know you support all women born and unborn.
Stand True Pro-life Outreach: https://give.cornerstone.cc/St...
Priests for life: https://www.priestsforlife.org...
Rachel's Vineyard: https://www.rachelsvineyard.or...
This petition is sponsored by Stand True Pro-life Outreach
About Stand True Pro-Life Outreach
Stand True, the youth outreach of Priests for Life, is a youth-driven pro-life organization committed to educating, activating and equipping this generation to end abortion. This is the generation that will abolish abortion, we will stand against the killing of innocent human beings in their mother's womb. Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry have declared a war on women and this generation, we will not be silent. Help us send a message to Tumblr.