PETITION: Tell Uber to RESPECT driver conscience on abortion!

  • 11,349

Uber has admitted that it fired a driver in Upstate New York for not taking his passenger to an abortion center where she had scheduled an abortion.

This petition demands that Uber respect their drivers' conscientious objection to abortion and other activities which end human life.

And, by the same token, in this case, Uber should also immediately rehire the fired driver.

Drivers are human beings with consciences, not robots.

So, when, as in this case, the driver determined where the passenger was going - and, what she was going to do - his conscience directed him to stop the car mid-way, knowing that if he were to continue to the appointed destination, he would also be complicit in taking the life of an innocent human being.

This driver did the only thing which he could do in this case - obey his conscience!*

And, Uber should honor and respect that.

The company needs to update their Community Guidelines to reflect that conscientious objection to passenger activities which result in the ending of human life should not result in drivers being fired.

We wouldn't be having this conversation if another Uber driver refused to drive his passenger to a Neo-Nazi meeting, especially if the passenger told him that it was to further arouse his hatred of Jews. Such a driver would be right to refuse to finish that route.

Likewise, what would happen to another hypothetical driver who refused to take her passenger to a dog fight because she could not in good conscience contribute to animal cruelty?

BUT, here, we are not talking about hypotheticals, but about abortion - and, taking the life of an innocent human being.

Please SIGN and SHARE this urgent petition telling Uber to update its Community Guidelines to respect conscientious objection against abortion and other life-ending passenger activities.

Thank you!


*It should be noted that the driver, in this case, actually offered to take the passenger back to her original pick-up point and did not leave until asked to do so by the passenger. In other words, he did all the right things to ensure her safety.