VICTORY: Poland says 'No' to eugenic abortion!

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VICTORY: Poland says 'No' to eugenic abortion!

The Polish Constitutional Tribunal issued a ruling that the provision in the act allowing "abortion in the case of a high probability of severe and irreversible impairment of the fetus or an incurable disease that threatens the fetus" is inconsistent with the Polish Constitution, which was permitted since 1993 until the time when the conceived child reaches the age when it is able to survive outside the mother's body, in practice up to the 24th week of pregnancy.

This ruling makes abortion for eugenic reasons illegal in Poland!

Thank God and sincere gratitude to the Polish Constitutional Court for doing the right and reasonable thing.

And, thank you for continuing to sign this petition. We will send all signatures to the Polish Constitutional Court as way to show our thanks!

PETITION UPDATE (10/22/2020)

Today, the Polish Constitutional Tribunal issued a ruling that the provision in the act allowing "abortion in the case of a high probability of severe and irreversible impairment of the fetus or an incurable disease that threatens the fetus" is inconsistent with the Polish Constitution, which was permitted since 1993 until the time when the conceived child reaches the age when it is able to survive outside the mother's body, in practice up to the 24th week of pregnancy.

This ruling makes abortion for eugenic reasons illegal in Poland!

Thank God and sincere gratitude to the Polish Constitutional Court for doing the right and reasonable thing.

And, thank you for continuing to sign this petition. We will send all signatures to the Polish Constitutional Court as way to show our thanks!


On October 22nd, the Polish Constitutional Tribunal will decide whether eugenic abortion - on the grounds of a positive Down Syndrome test, for example - currently allowed by the Abortion Act of 1993 is in keeping with the country's constitution.

Eugenic abortion is not the mark of an advanced society. It is, rather, the mark of a savage society which deems some human lives as disposable.

And, the reason the court will issue a ruling is because Members of the Sejm (the Lower House of the Polish Parliament) have requested clarification of the law.

We, therefore, ask you to join us in urging the Polish Constitutional Tribunal to reject eugenic abortion and affirm the dignity and life of every preborn baby.

Let's encourage the Polish Court to a give good example to the rest of the world, and affirm life!

By SIGNING this petition, we demonstrate our agreement with the amicus brief brought to the Polish court by Ordo Iuris International Law Center, which you can READ by clicking here.

The problem mainly lies in two Articles of the Abortion Act (1993), which legalizes eugenic abortion, and which are, therefore, non-compliant with Article 30 of the Polish Constitution. That is because of the key fact, that they legalize eugenic practices towards an unborn child, denying him the respect and protection of his dignity.

Indeed, according to the Polish Constitution, the source of all freedoms and rights is dignity and it not only belongs to each human, but it cannot be relinquished.

Fortunately, there is a close connection between the protection of human dignity and legal guarantees of the protection of human life in Polish law, and that is why in its judgment of January 2004, the Constitutional Tribunal stated: "There can be no protection of human dignity if there are no sufficient grounds to protect life."

Please SIGN this petition which urges the Polish Constitutional Tribunal to vindicate and protect the lives of the sick preborn babies.


Ordo Iuris amicus brief urging the Polish Constitutional Court to declare two articles of the Abortion Act to be in non-conformity with the Polish Constitution:

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**LifeSiteNews and LifePetitions are against abortion under every circumstance. By supporting this petition, we are not somehow suggesting that we are only against eugenic abortion.