All Petitions

PETITION: Pope Francis MUST clarify what he told pro-abortion Joe Biden about Holy Communion

SIGN and urge Pope Francis to clarify what he told Joe Biden about receiving Holy Communion at their recent meeting.

  • 25,408

BOYCOTT United over religious and medical COVID vaccine exemptions

SIGN and BOYCOTT United Airlines for refusing to honor religious and medical COVID vaccine exemptions, and then threatening to lay-off unvaccinated workers who claim exemptions.

  • 21,763

HELP AUSTRALIANS restore their freedom by protesting outside YOUR Australian Embassy - Dec. 4th - IRE

SIGN our petition and ATTEND a protest to help Australians regain their freedoms of speech, assembly and travel. Click for more information!

  • 184

HELP AUSTRALIANS restore their freedom by protesting outside YOUR Australian Embassy - Dec. 4th - FR

SIGN our petition and ATTEND a protest to help Australians regain their freedoms of speech, assembly and travel. Click for more information!

  • 117

HELP AUSTRALIANS restore their freedom by protesting outside YOUR Australian Embassy - Dec. 4th - GER

SIGN our petition and ATTEND a protest to help Australians regain their freedoms of speech, assembly and travel. Click for more information!

  • 225

HELP AUSTRALIANS restore their freedom by protesting outside YOUR Australian Embassy - Dec. 4th - RUS

SIGN our petition and ATTEND a protest to help Australians regain their freedoms of speech, assembly and travel. Click for more information!

  • 80

HELP AUSTRALIANS restore their freedom by protesting outside the Australian High Commission - Dec. 4th - SA

SIGN our petition and ATTEND a protest to help Australians regain their freedoms of speech, assembly and travel. Click for more information!

  • 368

HELP AUSTRALIANS restore their freedom by protesting outside the Australian High Commission - Dec. 4th - UK

SIGN our petition and ATTEND a protest to help Australians regain their freedoms of speech, assembly and travel. Click for more information!

  • 1,877

HELP AUSTRALIANS restore their freedom by protesting outside the Australian High Commission - Dec. 4th - CAN

SIGN our petition and ATTEND a protest to help Australians regain their freedoms of speech, assembly and travel. Click for more information!

  • 1,898

PETITION: Urge the Catholic Church to demand ethical COVID vaccines for Catholics (and, everyone else)!

SIGN and call on the Vatican (and USCCB) to demand Big Pharma develop and produce non-abortion tainted vaccines for Catholics (and, everyone else)!

  • 12,416