All Petitions

Ask Pope Francis to uphold Church teaching on marriage, family at the Synod

Join Cardinal Burke and 615,000 Catholics, and ask Pope Francis to categorically reaffirm Church teaching on marriage and family at the Synod.
  • 9,610

Defund Planned Parenthood now!

Planned Parenthood is the country's #1 abortion provider, yet receives BILLIONS in taxpayer funding. Tell Congress to defund Planned Parenthood... NOW.
  • 9,013

No more selling baby body parts: Defund Planned Parenthood! (Petition)

A shocking new video has caught Planned Parenthood admitting it sells livers and hearts from babies aborted in horrific partial-birth abortions.
  • 96,719

Atlanta's Fire Chief Sacked for His Christian Beliefs: Tell the Mayor to Reinstate Him, Now! (Sign the petition)

Mayor Kasim Reed fired Fire Chief Cochran after Cochran published a book expressing his Christian beliefs on marriage and sexuality.
  • 3,883

Defend the Duggars as they come under attack! Sign the petition.

The Duggars need your help to save their show! Liberal extremists have launched a full-scale media attack, demanding that TLC remove the Duggars' from the network.
  • 213,548

Say no to abuse. Boycott 50 Shades of Grey, the movie: sign the petition

This Valentine's Day, stand up for love, not exploitation. Boycott 50 Shades of Grey.
  • 112,305

Thank Cardinal Burke for his Vatican service

We will miss your presence and your voice at the Vatican, but offer our heartfelt prayers and well wishes as you go through this period of transition.
  • 30,452

Prayers for Brittany Maynard

Dear Brittany: I earnestly pray that you will come to see that every moment of your life, no matter how painful, is precious and full of meaning.
  • 3,032

Stop Justin Trudeau’s extreme abortion mandate

Tell Trudeau to IMMEDIATELY revoke this anti-democratic mandate, and once again allow pro-life candidates in the Liberal Party.
  • 1,598

Gov. Brown: Stop forcing churches, Catholic universities to pay for abortion! (petition)

No church should ever be forced to pay for the killing of unborn children. This attack on conscience rights must stop NOW.
  • 3,011