Urge Pope Francis to answer the Dubia correctly: no one can bless sin

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Pope Francis has again been asked to clarify Catholic teaching by 5 cardinals of the Catholic Church in advance of the Synod on Synodality.

The pope however has offered very worrying initial responses, even indicating he wants Christ's Church to bless homosexual couples. 

SIGN: Urge Pope Francis to answer the dubia correctly: no one can bless sin

The dubia questions, to which a Catholic would firmly answer 'No', are as follows:

  1. Is it possible for the Church today to teach doctrines contrary to those she has previously taught in matters of faith and morals, whether by the Pope ex cathedra, or in the definitions of an Ecumenical Council, or in the ordinary universal magisterium of the Bishops dispersed throughout the world (cf. Lumen Gentium 25)?
  2. Is it possible that in some circumstances a pastor could bless unions between homosexual persons, thus suggesting that homosexual behavior as such would not be contrary to God’s law and the person’s journey toward God? Linked to this dubium is the need to raise another: does the teaching upheld by the universal ordinary magisterium, that every sexual act outside of marriage, and in particular homosexual acts, constitutes an objectively grave sin against God’s law, regardless of the circumstances in which it takes place and the intention with which it is carried out, continue to be valid? 
  3. Will the Synod of Bishops to be held in Rome, and which includes only a chosen representation of pastors and faithful, exercise, in the doctrinal or pastoral matters on which it will be called to express itself, the Supreme Authority of the Church, which belongs exclusively to the Roman Pontiff and, una cum capite suo, to the College of Bishops (cf. can. 336 C.I.C.)?
  4. Could the Church in the future have the faculty to confer priestly ordination on women, thus contradicting that the exclusive reservation of this sacrament to baptized males belongs to the very substance of the Sacrament of Orders, which the Church cannot change?
  5. Can a penitent who, while admitting a sin, refuses to make, in any way, the intention not to commit it again, validly receive sacramental absolution?

SIGN & SHARE: Urge Pope Francis to answer the Dubia correctly: no one can bless sin

The dubia were written and submitted by Cardinals Walter Brandmüller, Raymond Leo Burke, Juan Sandoval Íñiguez, Robert Sarah and Joseph Zen. Both Brandmüller and Burke were signatories of the previous dubia submitted to the Pope in 2016 about Amoris Laetitia.

The five cardinals had sent dubia to Pope Francis on July 10, which he answered in a way that appears to gravely conflict with Catholic teaching on the priest's inability to bless objectively sinful relationships, such as homosexual unions.

''...[P]astoral prudence must adequately discern whether there are forms of blessing, requested by one or more persons, that do not transmit a mistaken conception of marriage...', the pope wrote in his letter

The five cardinals consequently sent another letter to the Pope on August 21, formulated in a “yes or no” style, since the papal reply was apparently “vague and elusive.” This was left unanswered – a fact that prompted this week’s publication of the dubia

Please join Catholics around the world in praying and imploring Pope Francis to protect the Deposit of Faith.

SIGN & SHARE: Urge Pope Francis to answer the Dubia correctly: no one can bless sin


BREAKING: Five cardinals write Dubia to Pope Francis on concerns about Synod, Catholic doctrine - LifeSiteNews

Image: Vatican News/Twitter