PETITION: Supreme Court must defend religious liberty of Christians who refused to bake gay-wedding cake

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SIGN: The Supreme Court must hear the appeal of Aaron and Melissa Klein as they seek to vindicate their right to decline baking cakes that violate their religious beliefs.

Oregon bakers Aaron and Melissa Klein have been through hell since 2013 when they were sued for refusing to bake a gay-wedding cake that violated their religious beliefs as Christians.

They hope the Supreme Court will hear their appeal against a ruling that ultimately put Sweet Cakes by Melissa out of business and resulted in a state-imposed fine of $135,000.

This persecution of Christians by liberal judges must be corrected by the Supreme Court.

SIGN: I stand with Aaron and Melissa Klein in their fight for justice.

Melissa was forced to bake from home with her husband and five children in September 2013 when a sustained hate campaign dried up business at the store and eventually forced them to fold in 2016.

The Kleins have been embroiled in a never-ending struggle since to uphold the right of all Christians to decline participating in events and messages that violate their faith.

It's time Christians and people of good-will brought this terrible injustice to light. 

SIGN: We demand the U.S. Supreme Court hear the appeal of Aaron and Melissa Klein.

First Liberty lawyers hope the Supreme Court will overturn an Oregon ruling that put the Kleins out of business.

A statement by First Liberty reads: Our attorneys argue that the Constitution protects the Kleins and all Americans from being forced to express a message with which they disagree. The brief states, “Forcing artists to design, create, and decorate custom products against their strongest beliefs abridges the freedom protected by the Free Speech Clause” of the First Amendment.

“Having to shut down the shop was devastating,” Melissa told First Liberty. “Watching something our family had worked so hard on for years to build just disappear in such a short time—it crushed me.”

Thankfully the $135,000 fine was reduced to $30,000 this July by the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries, but the principle at play is much more valuable to the Kleins than money. 

SIGN: The Supreme Court MUST defend the Klein's First Amendment rights.

Please SHARE this petition after signing it, as this case deserves the urgent attention of every American.

Thank you.