“Give me an army saying the Rosary and I will conquer the world.” -- Pope Saint Pius IX.
The Lepanto Institute and LifeSiteNews are inviting Catholics throughout the world to join in building this spiritual bouquet for Cardinal Burke, to ask the Blessed Mother to intervene and give him the strength and fortitude he needs to continue in the defense of the Holy Catholic Faith.
For nearly four years, now, Raymond Cardinal Burke has been oppressed, abused, attacked and slandered because of his love and fidelity to Holy Mother Church. He is suffering for his public defense of the indissolubility of marriage and worthy reception of Holy Communion. He has been sidelined in his position as Cardinal Patron of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta because he was falsely accused of orchestrating the removal of a knight found to be responsible for the distribution of contraception and condoms. Most recently, he was viciously attacked by the Washington Post and the New York Times.
Yet this past January, Cardinal Burke was awarded the Law of Life Achievement Award, which consists of a framed replica of the nail used to hold the feet of Christ to the cross. At the presentation of the award, John-Henry Westen, CEO of LifeSiteNews said:
“[Cardinal Burke] has suffered a great deal for the cause of life and family. He has cheerfully borne this suffering, his public humiliation that he has received from all quarters. Every time you speak with him, you will hear his concern that has nothing at all to do with himself, always for the faith, for life, and for family.”
Because of the suffering Burke is enduring for the Church, we are asking you join us in a ROSARY CRUSADE and devote your daily Rosary, prayed specifically for Cardinal Burke, throughout all of Lent.
By adding your name to the list, you will give great encouragement and consolation to His Eminence. It is our sincere hope that by the end of Lent, hundreds of thousands of Rosaries will have been prayed on his behalf.
Remember the words of Pius IX: "Give me an army saying the Rosary and I will conquer the world." At a time when worldly forces seem to be beating against the doors of the Vatican, and if prayer is just as efficacious as action, then now is the time to join this ROSARY CRUSADE in defense of Mother Church.
If the name of the Blessed Mother makes demons shudder from fear...
If one Hail Mary makes the demons flee in terror... If one Rosary rattles the gates of hell...
...then thousands of Rosaries prayed for the intentions of Cardinal Burke and the defense of Mother Church? Pledge your support to the Rosary Crusade this Lent and join us!