PETITION: Urge US bishops to stop Catholic Relief Services' condom promotion

  • 9,523

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) is the official international aid agency of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), and has been working to distribute mostly food-aid to people in need for more than 70 years.

But, in recent years, CRS has got itself, and the USCCB, involved with other international aid agencies (like, USAID, PEPFAR and the Global Fund), who promote more than just food-aid...who promote things which are explicitly against Catholic moral teaching.

In the last ten years, CRS has, in fact, been discovered promoting things which are explicitly against Catholic moral teaching, in direct contradiction to its pledge to remain faithful to Catholic teaching and identity.

And, even now, CRS are still at it.

We know this because the Lepanto Institute has just completed a year-long investigation into CRS projects in Africa, which conclusively shows, from CRS's own documentation, that it is promoting condoms to teens and children as young as 10 through a project it runs called 4Children.

WATCH: Please watch and share this important video which shows exactly how Catholic Relief Services are promoting immoral ideas, and the practices which go along with them.

This kind of duplicity must stop.

That's why LifeSite and the Lepanto Institute are issuing this urgent joint petition to all U.S. Catholic bishops, to withhold funding from the normal Lenten collection for Catholic Relief Services.

CRS should not benefit from unsuspecting Catholics in the pews, who think that their donations are only going to feed impoverished Africans.

CRS has been caught time and again participating in gravely immoral programs which corrupt morals and ruin souls.

It's time that the bishops of the United States conduct a thorough third-party investigation into CRS's projects and strictly forbid CRS from receiving any grants from contraception-pushing agencies such as USAID, PEPFAR and the Global Fund.

Please SIGN and SHARE this urgent petition which asks bishops throughout the country to withdraw all support from CRS until it can be definitively proved that the agency has absolutely stopped projects that oppose Catholic sexual teaching and is no longer building up the population-control agenda.

Thank you!


CRS and Contraception (Lepanto Institute):

CRS and Contraception (LifeSite):

CRS Denies Distributing Condoms (Lepanto Institute):

CRS Pushes Abortifacients in Kenya (LifeSite):

CRS's SHUGA condom promotion plan (Lepanto Institute):

CRS's Double Standard (LifeSite):

CRS covers up condom promotion with PEPFAR (Lepanto Institute):

Bishops in Madagascar complain about CRS (LifeSite):


Petition Updates

Catholic Relief Services promises investigation into charges of condom promotion

The president of the Lepanto Institute, who released the original report detailing CRSs wrongdoing, remains suspicious that the U.S. bishops will take any real action.

US bishop calls for investigation after report links Catholic Relief Services to condom promotion

Bishop Joseph Strickland tweeted that the Lepanto Institute report must be proven to be false and the confusion must stop.

US bishops’ international aid agency caught indoctrinating children to ‘always’ use condoms

A year-long investigation by the Lepanto Institute revealed that Catholic Relief Services instructs teens and children as young as 10 to always use condoms.

Petition Launched!