The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) commits genocide (the Uyghurs in the Xinjiang region), has committed forced abortions (the one-child policy), allowed COVID to be spread across the world with their lies, allows dangerous sweatshops to operate, and suppresses their people's freedoms and faith (think of Hong Kong and, separately, the persecution of Christians, Muslims and member of Falun Gong).
The CCP is an evil organization and needs to be stopped!
Please SIGN and pledge to try to BUY LOCAL, rather than give your hard-earned money to the lying, COVID-spreading, genocidal, abortion-forcing, freedom-suppressing Chinese Communist Party.
With the Beijing Olympics now underway, the CCP is only interested in one thing: gaining the respect and admiration of the rest of the world.
But, the CCP is only deserving of disgrace and rebuke, not respect or admiration.
So, we must raise our voices against their shameful lies, murders and reign of tyranny. And, we must also do what can to hit them where it hurts -- in the pocketbook!
Please SIGN and pledge to try to BUY LOCAL, rather than give your hard-earned money to the lying, genocidal, abortion-forcing, freedom-suppressing Chinese Communist Party.
Pledging to buy local, or to buying products from anywhere but China, might present a challenge as everyone will have to make a concerted effort to look at the labels of their purchases, and maybe pay a little more for a product made outside China.
But, this is something which every man, woman and child can do to protest the manifest evil which the Chinese Communist Party, as distinct from the Chinese people, is responsible for.
Please SIGN and pledge to try to BUY LOCAL, rather than give your hard-earned money to the lying, genocidal, abortion-forcing, freedom-suppressing Chinese Communist Party.
Is Main Street America or High Street Europe, with their lockdowns, censorship, and mandates looking more and more like China because we have allowed ourselves to become addicted to communist labor?
Have we allowed cheap goods to take over liberty and justice?
This is not a partisan issue, this is about a way of life that ensures a dignified future for workers around the world versus a totalitarian communist system that floods the world with cheap goods and evil ideology…
It's time we put our money where our mouth is, and buy local rather than give our money to the CCP.
Thank you for SIGNING this pledge to try to BUY LOCAL, or at least try to purchase products not made in China. After signing, please consider SHARING with your like-minded friends, family, parishioners and colleagues.
'Communist China’s crimes against humanity stem from its rejection of God: pro-life filmmaker' -
'From forced abortions to surveillance state: Communist China’s plan for global tyranny revealed' -
'‘They are butchering people’: Republican Congressman scorches China’s ‘Genocide Olympics’' -
'One of Trump’s last moves: US declares China’s actions against Uyghurs ‘genocide’' -
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