PETITION: Support Lubbock, Texas in becoming a Sanctuary City for the Unborn!

  • 4,137

PETITION UPDATE (10/26/2020)

Since launching this petition less than 6 weeks ago, two massive, yet conflicting, events have taken place surrounding this petition which asks the Lubbock City Council to make Lubbock a Sanctuary City for the Unborn:

1) Planned Parenthood just reopened their doors at the end of last week. However, the facility will not commit abortions until 2021 (if at all!).

BUT, all hope is not lost! Because....

2) Pro-life citizens of Lubbock have presented over 5,000 signatures to the Lubbock City Council, asking the Council to bring the Sanctuary City for the Unborn ordinance to a public vote.

This last part is great news! If the council passes the policy, Planned Parenthood will be barred from committing abortions in Lubbock. If the council fails, citizens will be able to directly vote on becoming a Sanctuary City for the Unborn in an upcoming election.

“Lubbock must not surrender to the abortion industry. Now more than ever, Texans must stand for Life and urge the council to swiftly pass the Sanctuary City for the Unborn ordinance,” stated Kimberlyn Schwartz, native West Texan and Texas Tech alumna, now serving as Texas Right to Life’s director of media and communication.

Please continue to SIGN and SHARE this petition, to support the goal of making Lubbock a Sanctuary City for the Unborn. Thank you!


Seven years after closing their doors, Planned Parenthood has announced that they intend to reopen in Lubbock, Texas, by the end of this year.

This is terrible news and a retrograde step...and, needs to be stopped!

That's why LifeSite and Texas Right to Life are partnering on this urgent petition which calls on the Lubbock City Council to make their city a Sanctuary City for the Unborn, thereby stopping Planned Parenthood from reopening their abortion center.

Since 2013, when Planned Parenthood closed their Lubbock facilities in response to laws passed by the Texas Legislature, an estimated 1,000 Lubbock babies have been saved from abortion!

But now, with $9 million pledged from wealthy pro-abortion leftists, Planned Parenthood is reopening in the region, according to their recent press release.

This is outrageous, and we must do everything possible to stop the killing from starting again!

Please SIGN this petition to the Lubbock City Council and urge them to make their city a Sanctuary City for the Unborn.

The Sanctuary City for the Unborn initiative began last year in the small East Texas town of Waskom. Since then, more than a dozen communities have followed suit.

The local Pro-Life ordinances declare abortion to be murder and prohibit abortion facilities from opening within city limits

By encouraging the City Council to make Lubbock a Santuary City for the Unborn, we can stop Planned Parenthood before they kill another single baby in West Texas again!

But, we need your help to overcome some political opposition to this good idea.

Dan Pope, the mayor of Lubbock, expressed opposition to pursuing the Sanctuary City for the Unborn ordinance, stating, “That's not the lane we need to be in, we need to do the things that we were elected to do.”

Then, the mayor actually compared opening an abortion facility to opening a church: “I think telling Planned Parenthood they can't come to Lubbock would be in some ways like telling United [Supermarkets] they couldn't build another store, or telling the [Southern Baptist Convention] they couldn't do another church start in Lubbock..."

But, opening a Planned Parenthood abortion center is nothing like opening a church! There are no similarities between intentionally killing innocent preborn human beings and trying to teach people about the Bible!

Suffice it to say: Lubbock city officials need to hear from you!

Please add your voice by SIGNING this urgent petition to keep Planned Parenthood out of Lubbock.

**And, Lubbock citizens, stay tuned for additional steps to make your town a Sanctuary City for the Unborn.**


'Petition asks Lubbock City Council to declare their city a sanctuary for the unborn' -

'3 Texas towns vote to become sanctuary cities for the unborn' -

'North Carolina county declares ‘sanctuary’ for unborn, plans to outlaw abortion' -