Join the call for the USCCB to disband the CCHD

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The United States Council of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) has been funding several extremely anti-Catholic organizations, and a group of prominent lay Catholics is asking that the scandalous campaign be disbanded.

SIGN: Tell the USCCB to stop funding evil organizations.

Since its creation in 1971, the CCHD has given millions of dollars to organizations that directly violate Catholic teaching regarding abortion, LGBT ideologies, contraception, Marxism, and even the practice of demonic rituals. And yet, despite repeated outside investigations uncovering the scandal and calls from individuals to reform the campaign, no plans for change have yet been enacted.

Several prominent Catholic scholars and activists are joining together in co-signing a letter to the bishops attending the USCCB’S Plenary Assembly in June, asking them to disband the CCHD. Concerned Catholics across the world are invited to join the call.

SIGN: Stop the USCCB’s campaign donations from going to evil causes.

Although Bishop Timothy Senior, current chairman of the CCHD, sent a letter to his brother bishops claiming that “all of the initiatives that are supported with CCHD funding have undergone a thorough application process ... Catholics can be confident that the Catholic Campaign for Human Development does not fund organizations that violate the moral or social teaching of the Church,” that does not seem to be the case. The organization’s own reports list grant recipients and grant amounts.

SIGN: Tell the USCCB to stop funding evil organizations.

Reviewing just the 2021-2022 report for the CCHD grants, the Lepanto Institute found 66 grant recipients to be in violation of CCHD guidelines and Catholic moral teaching.

For example, one of the organizations that received a grant from the CCHD included Planting Justice, a group that advocates LGBT ideologies and has been shown to engage in satanic rituals.

In addition, the CCHD has donated tens of thousands of dollars to Congregations United to Serve Humanity (CUSH), a far-left group that collects pornographic LGBT books for middle and high school students.

The Ezekiel Project, a group that openly advocates abortion, has also received CCHD funds through several dioceses. While certain individual dioceses have taken action to stop funding organizations such as this one, the CCHD as a whole continues to support many ideologies contrary to Catholic teaching.

These are just a few examples of the many atrocious, anti-Catholic ideologies and efforts being funded by the USCCB’s Catholic Campaign for Human Development. We must demand that these causes stop being funded by this institution of the Catholic Church.