All Petitions

UPDATE: Polish pro-life Catholic passes away in British hospital after being denied food and water (+RIP)

Polish Catholic pro-lifer with brain injury, R.S., has passed away in a British hospital after being denied food and water. (+RIP)

  • 29,786

Boycott Simon & Schuster for canceling Sen. Josh Hawley's new book

SIGN this pledge to boycott Simon & Schuster books after the publisher canceled Sen. Josh Hawley's new book for leading Senate objections to the Electoral College vote on January, 6th.

  • 20,405

President Trump: Please pardon all involved in the case of Lisa Miller

Urge President Trump to show leniency to all involved with Lisa Miller, the Christian mom who acted to protect her daughter and who has already paid the price by living away from her home country for more than 10 years.

  • 6,141

State legislators: Protect our freedoms from radical leftists starting Jan. 20th

SIGN and DEMAND that your state legislators pledge to defend Liberty, Life, Family and Faith - and the Constitution - from a leftist onslaught after January, 20th.

  • 12,291

NBC News: Stop smearing pro-family groups!

SIGN this urgent petition demanding that NBC retract hateful rhetoric labeling respected pro-family groups of being "hate groups."

  • 11,265

Stand With President Trump to Protect the Vote

Right now, we need to STAND in support of President Trump who is fighting, with every legal means, to ensure that the 2020 elections were legitimate and fair.

  • 204,799

PETITION: Keep abortion out of the Smithsonian!

SIGN here and tell the Smithsonian, the President and Congress that abortion must not be promoted in the new Women's History Museum, or face defunding.

  • 2,549

PETITION: Urge HHS to STOP FUNDING aborted baby vaccines

SIGN here to urge the HHS to stop funding COVID vaccines which use unethical testing involving aborted human fetal cells lines.

  • 29,221

SIGN: Join petition calling for a stop to COVID vaccine testing in Europe

Join former research chief of Pfizer, Dr. Yeadon, in urging the European Medicine Agency to call an immediate halt to COVID vaccine testing.

  • 16,612

PETITION: Say 'No' to using the U.S. military as guinea pigs for COVID vaccine

Urge President Trump to declare that members of the U.S. military will not be forced to take a COVID vaccine against their will.

  • 17,358