All Petitions

Tell Nancy Pelosi: No, supporting abortion and gay 'marriage' is NOT Catholic (Sign the petition)

Dear Pelosi: We're praying for you. But please STOP claiming that your Catholic faith supports abortion and gay 'marriage.' It doesn't.
  • 11,227

Gov. Pence, defend religious freedom in Indiana against gay activist intolerance! (petition)

An appalling hate campaign against religious freedom is happening in Indiana. Have your voice heard, and stand up for religious freedom today!
  • 1,913

Tell Disney to cancel sit-com about anti-Christian bigot Dan Savage (petition)

There is nothing funny about Dan Savage’s violent anti-Christian bigotry, extreme vulgarity, and celebration of sexual perversion.
  • 29,088

Open letter to Pope Francis: thank you for Archbishop Cordileone! (petition)

If you support Archbishop Cordileone sign this open letter, which will be published in the San Francisco Chronicle!
  • 4,859

Reinstate Catholic teacher fired for defending traditional marriage on Facebook now! (petition)

The firing of Catholic religion teacher Patricia Jannuzzi is a miscarriage of justice. We respectfully demand that she be reinstated.
  • 6,546

Stop Ontario's graphic new sex-ed program: sign the petition

Gender ideology, anal and oral sex, gay 'marriage': is this what our schools should be teaching young children? Sign the petition, and tell Kathleen Wynne to STOP her radical sex-ed program.
  • 85,151

I support Dolce & Gabbana against Elton John's attacks! (petition)

The openly gay designers Dolce and Gabbana just expressed their opposition to gay 'marriage' and adoption, as well as IVF. Now they are under fierce attack, and need support to stand strong!
  • 20,351

I support Archbishop Cordileone (petition)

Archbishop Cordileone needs our support, NOW! Gay activists and dissident Catholics have launched an all-out war against his attempts to protect the Catholic identity of his schools, and to promote pro-life and pro-family values.
  • 58,096

Stop making vaccines with cell lines from aborted babies

It is time for vaccine manufacturers like Merck to stop using human fetal cell lines, and to develop ethical alternative vaccines.
  • 4,453

Tell Canada’s Parliament to block Supreme Court ruling legalizing assisted suicide by using 'notwithstanding clause’: petition

Canada’s Supreme Court has just overturned the country’s ban on assisted suicide, but Parliament has the power to stop the decision! Urge Parliament to invoke the 'notwithstanding clause'.
  • 22,776