All Petitions

PETITION: Support the filial correction of Pope Francis for 'propagating heresies'

With filial devotion, we respectfully urge the Pope to reject heresy and confirm the brethren.
  • 8,183

SIGN THE PETITION: Tell this bishop to take a clear stand against ‘gay marriage'

Tell Bishop Long that Australian Gay ‘marriage’ vote is definitely a simple no.
  • 782

Stand with Trump nominee attacked for her Catholic faith. Sign the pledge of support!

Stand with Trump nominee attacked for her Catholic faith. Sign the pledge of support!
  • 2,775

Pledge to pray for the souls of the deceased dubia Cardinals

Pray for the souls of the deceased dubia Cardinals.
  • 603

Pope Francis, remove pro-gay Fr. Martin as advisor to Vatican

Ask Pope Francis to reconsider his appointment of Father James Martin as Consultor to the Vatican's Secretariat for Communication.
  • 14,823

President Trump, don’t make Hobby Lobby pay for contraception, abortion

Mr. President, please end the Obama administration’s assault on our religious freedom!
  • 876

SIGN THE BOYCOTT: Say NO to Disney pushing LGBT agenda to preschoolers

'Disney has been happy to celebrate' my same-sex 'marriage,' according to the show's writer.
  • 8,790

Thank Donald Trump for banning transgenders from military service

We support President Trump's decision to ban transgenders from military service.
  • 5,233

Pray for Charlie Gard's parents, ending battle for Charlie's life

Pray for parents who have had to endure such awful suffering.
  • 1,396

Say NO to Army forcing women to shower with ‘transgender’ men

US Army is forcing women soldiers to accept gender-confused men in their showers and bathrooms!
  • 7,665